Gold Pack Awards 2022

The Gold Pack Awards are regarded as the “Packaging Oscars” in South Africa, recognising excellence in local design, execution and functionality. Check out the food winners here…

The Gold Pack Awards programme is designed to showcase the very best of the SA packaging industry. With the introduction of the AfriStar Awards as a part of this awards programme, the awards are now an international celebration and showcase for packaging across the African continent.

Gold, Silver and Bronze medals are awarded to the top three winners in each category. However, all entries achieving finalist status as well as the medal winners qualify for entry into the international WPO WorldStar Awards. Winning any GOLD PACK or AfriStar medal is held in high esteem by the packaging industry.

The judges comprise a panel of impartial and experienced people with a wide range of packaging knowledge. They look specifically for the excellent application and execution of anything that may involve new, innovative or creative design, marketing or technology applied to packaging produced in Africa.

The judges take into account the imported technology, components, constituents etc. and look specifically for the African input in the creation of excellent packaging. The critical qualification for entry is that the packaging must have been converted in Africa. Anyone may enter a pack, however in all cases the converter and the brand owner must co-approve the entry form.

Although innovation is an appealing reason for awarding Gold Pack medals, it is primarily excellence in packaging execution that creates medal winners.

The categories are wide and varied and are divided into two broad groups. The first group relates to the product’s market type – from beverages and food to industrial, packaging components and packaging processes and systems. The second group is defined by packaging materials – from metals, glass and paper to rigid and flexible plastics.

Criteria in the two groups are quite different with the substrate categories tending to be focused more on the technical superiority of the packaging’s manufacture and conversion.

Of course, the most coveted award is the Institute of Packaging SA Gold Pack Trophy presented to the best entry overall. The GOLD PACK Awards presentation event is a true celebration for the African Packaging Industry, honouring excellence across a wide range of entries.

This prestigious function takes the form of a formal ‘black-tie’ banquet and was held on 9 November 2022 at the Inanda Club Polo Room, Sandton.

The AfriStar Award category will be included in this awards ceremony, however they will be presented again at additional ceremonies to be planned in Kenya and Nigeria.

Here are the two top food packaging winners: