Turkey egg

Turkey eggs on shelf at UK supermarket

Turkey eggs are one and half times the size of hens eggs and are recommended for cakes and pastries because they give a light and fluffy texture. But they are also good for boiled eggs and scrambling – and Waitrose has announced it’s to start selling the eggs.

It comes as retailers have noticed a growing demand for speciality eggs and healthy sales of duck, goose, quail and even ostrich.

Turkey eggs are rarely sold because the birds do not lay as frequently as hens and their eggs are normally kept for breeding Christmas stocks.

Frances Westerman, egg buyer for Waitrose said: “Turkey eggs are the most asked-for speciality eggs amongst our customers,” she said. “They have excellent cooking qualities and, because they are they’re bigger than hens’ eggs, you need two instead of three to make a really light sponge cake.”

The eggs will be on sale in selected Waitrose stores until late August, when the laying season ends, and will cost £1.99 for a pack of two.

Later this month, the chain will also stock rhea eggs – 10 times the size of medium hens’ eggs, which take roughly 90 minutes to hard boil – costing £25 each.

Source: The Telegraph