17 Aug The quirky story of Truck Farms
If you believed the mountains of vitriol dumped on America’s processed food industry by its critics, you’d swear that the country’s supmarkets were laden with nothing but toxic, life-threatening junk calories. A growing advocacy movement is underway to convince urban Americans to get closer to their food source, to discover, grow, buy and eat ‘real’ food. One of these initiatives is quirky and witty: the Truck Farm.
What is it? The Truck Farm is a 1986 Dodge pickup with a mini farm planted on the truck bed. It started out as a travelling, edible exhibit to bring a rural experience to urban students. It’s now also the focus of a funky and funny new film that’s been winning awards at film festivals, and it has evolved into a fleet of 25 Truck Farms touring around the country.
Or enjoy a YouTube expert of the movie Truck Farm – very cool stuff!