27 Nov The technology of food and drink in focus at fdt Africa 2019
food & drink technology Africa (fdt Africa) will return to Johannesburg next year, bringing with it an extended expo focus and thus much more value to exhibitors and visitors...
food & drink technology Africa (fdt Africa) will return to Johannesburg next year, bringing with it an extended expo focus and thus much more value to exhibitors and visitors...
Of major importance to the food industry, these four issues are among seven long-term 'megatrends', business growth themes that will change everyone's lives in the coming years and need to be on the investor's radar screens, both from a risk and opportunity perspective, according...
Mayor Bloomberg of New York City should be pleased - Americans apparently are soda-banning themselves, with the average United States person now drinking 38 percent more water than 15 years ago.
Feeling cranky, fatigued and unable to focus? You might just need a drink of water, according to new research....
Seventeen of the nation’s largest food and beverage companies unveiled an agreement that outlines uniform nutrition criteria for foods advertised to children that will further strengthen voluntary efforts to change child-directed food advertising....
The world has a water problem, and it’s all about access. There is enough water to serve the world’s population, but getting it, transporting it, and keeping it clean are increasing problems we can ill afford to ignore. In the face of shrinking...
What may be the world's largest chemistry experiment in history launched last week as part of the International Year of Chemistry 2011....