28 Oct 2011 Simply amazing pumkin carvings
Halloween approaches – and with it, a focus on pumkins and the annual tradition of pumpkin carving. American artist, Ray Villafane, has taken pumpkin carving to a whole new level. His skill and art is extraordinary….
Ray Villafane’s relationship with pumpkins began rather early in his life. Born in a poor farming family, he found himself having to whittle his own toys out of wood as times were very hard.
As things got worse he was forced to give up using wood to create his toys and eventually had to make them out of pumpkins as the precious wood was needed to heat the small farm house during the winter. Because his toys rotted away a week or so after making them, Ray found himself carving nonstop just to keep his toy box from spoiling.
And so began a remarkable artistic and academic career… do look at more of his amazing artworks here.