
ISO 22000 update: Have your say!

ISO 22000, the international standard on food safety management systems was published in 2005. Since then, the markets’ needs have evolved and in September this year there are plans to revise the standard. You can add your input! If you are a stakeholder involved in the food chain, and you use, implement, or make reference to ISO 22000, ISO (International Organisation for Standardisation) would like to hear your comments and feedback on the standard.

In order to remain as relevant as possible, ISO standards are reviewed every five years to assess the need for a revision. The committee behind ISO 22000, ISO/TC 34/SC 17, is currently running a review to collect as many comments as possible on the standard before the revision process is set to start in September. 

Says Cor Groenveld, LRQA Global Head of Food Supply Chain Services and Chairman of the Foundation for Food Safety Certification is a member of ISO/TC 34/SC 17: “Having your say in the standard’s development is easy and really helps the technical committee understand what users around the world want to see. 

“The survey – which has been organised by ISO – is open until mid-June, so if you wish to suggest improvements for the next version of ISO 22000, send your comments through to the channels as shown below”.

– The ISO member body in your country.

– The ISO technical committee ISO/TC 34/SC 17: [email protected]

The comments received will be taken into account in the revision process.

Along with ISO 22000, LRQA is a major contributor to the development and improvement of standards and associated guidance in the fields of management systems and conformity assessment worldwide.

As recognised voices in the industry – driven through our membership and LRQA’s MD, Mike James’ chairmanship of the IIOC (Independent International Organisation for Certification), its experts are actively involved in the international technical committees for all three of the world’s leading Management System Standards, specifically ISO 9001 (quality), ISO 14001 (environment) and ISO 45001/OHSAS 18001 (occupational health and safety).

Further information about the ISO Standard Revisions is available at: